Exhibition to celebrate the Image of the Child
1st Place is celebrating the ‘Image of the Child’ as part of a special exhibition being held on Saturday 30 November.
In line 1st Place's Reggio Emilia inspired approach, the exhibition documents its nursery children’s year long exploration of a range of themes including nature, the solar system and transient art. The exhibition brings together a collection of photos, quotes and artwork from across its three nurseries - Lorrimore Square, Chumleigh Gardens and Cambridge House.
Nicki Howard, 1st Place Director, said: “The ‘Image of the Child’ is about bringing our families and community together to recognise and honour our children. It is a celebration of the child’s voice and their unique contribution to the world.”
‘Image of the Child’ will be held on 30 November, 10.00am-4.00pm at 1st Place Children and Parents’ Centre in Burgess Park and is open to all.
Image of the Child exhibition