Message in a honey pot
This simple activity is a great way to promote literacy skills and have fun. You don’t necessarily have to create a honey pot, any container or shape will do. Your child may want to create a space rocket or even a dinosaur!
What you will need:
Paper or card - This can include a selection of coloured sheets.
Glue or sellotape.
Additional resources to decorate your container such as stickers, paint etc. (optional)
Your imagination!
Getting started:
Make your container or shape. If you are creating a honey pot, make the pot and a lid.
Decorate your container in your own way with or without additional resources.
On a separate strip of paper, write a message. Your child can write any message that they like, it could be something as simple as ‘hello’. If they are older and feeling adventurous, they could write a story (although you may need a bigger container/shape to contain it!).
Turn the pot over and attach the strip of paper to the back of the pot.
Turn the pot over again. You should see part of the strip of paper peeking out from the top of the pot.
Cover your message with the lid so that it is now hidden - a lovely surprise for the recipient!