Express Yourself for Children’s Mental Health Week
1st Place is proud to support Children’s Mental Health Week and this year, our friends at Place to Be are encouraging us to express ourselves.
Get free support and counselling through Qwell
Find out about a new free digital counselling and emotional well-being service for adults in south east London.
A new Atelierista for 1st Place
A warm welcome to our new atelierista who will be nurturing our children’s imagination and creativity with some exciting projects.
Help bridge the digital divide
To help bridge the digital divide in Southwark, London South Teaching School Alliance has launched a fundraising campaign to buy computers for 2500 pupils in the borough.
Love Hair workshops launched
Join a new series of interactive ‘Love Hair’ online workshops about healthy black and mixed hair starting this month.
Spring Programme 2021 now out!
Our Spring timetable is here and we have another packed programme full of activities for you to enjoy!
Craft Story creations
Check out more amazing pieces of artwork from our recent Craft Story Sessions!
Starting Solid Foods virtual sessions now available
Virtual Starting Solid Foods sessions are now available to book with the Evelina London Community Nutrition and Dietetics service.
Extras for Healthy Start families
Three supermarket are now giving extras to families using Healthy Start vouchers in their stores.
Kids eat free at Asda cafes in December
Throughout December, children under the age of 16 will be able to eat a meal at any of 216 Asda’s cafes free of any charge when accompanied by an adult.
Project duckling gets underway
Project Duckling has got off to a ‘quacking’ start as our nursery children watched some new islands being installed on Burgess Lake.
Donate to the Southwark Community Fundraiser
To support older and more vulnerable residents this Christmas, a special Southwark Community Fundraiser has been launched. Can you help?
Complete our Rose Vouchers survey
Calling all Rose Vouchers families - we want to hear from you! Complete our online survey to give your feedback.
Let’s Talk About Autism conference
For the eighth year running, the ‘Let’s talk about Autism’ conference is being held on 2 December. Book your place now.
Let’s end male violence against women
1st Place is proud to support White Ribbon Day on Wednesday 25 November and show our commitment to ending male violence against women.