Help to Lower Your Energy Bills
Grant for low income homeowners and private tenants to improve your homes energy efficiency
Polio Vaccinations for Children
Children aged 1 to 9 years old in London are being offered a dose of polio vaccine.
Trustee of the Year
1st Place Trustee, Nigel Lloyd won the Trustee of the Year award! Presented by Community Southwark.
Rose Vouchers Donations Match
Donations doubled until the 21st of June for the Rose Vouchers Fruit and Veg Project, providing fresh fruit and vegetables to families in need.
Best Start For School
A course designed for parents, to help you prepare for Primary School applications
Thing of the Week - Wonderful Waiting Games
I Spy, Who Am I?… what games do you play to pass the time?
Thing of the Week - Happy History
A trip to the Museum is a great way to get out and about in the colder weather.
Thing of the Week - Talking Signs
Help your Child’s communication develop using hand Signs…
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